Re-Examining American Literature Student Symposium (REAL)
“You’ll know Her – by Her Vest:” Objects in American Literature and Culture
(Online Symposium on MS Teams)
Our keynote speaker will be prof. Kacper Bartczak (The University of Łódź, Poland), a critic, poet, and translator of poetry; author of In Search of Community of Communication: The Poetry of John Ashbery (2006), Świat nie scalony (2009) and Materia i autokreacja: dociekania w poetyce wielościowej (2019).
Things are no longer relegated to anthropological study of material culture, but “strike back”
as agents, symbols, narrators, focal points of cultural activity, and by their sheer ubiquity, as
the “stuff” that permeates individual and collective lives entirely. Things have become “vibrant
matter,” they are “incorporeal,” they are alive. But how do they feature in culture and literature?
What are the conventions of representation of objects and matter? Join the 5th Re-Examining
American Literature Student Symposium to learn more!
If you want to join us as an audience member on MS Teams, please email us:
REAL Organizing Committee:
dr hab. Paulina Ambroży, prof. UAM (
dr Katarzyna Macedulska (
dr Małgorzata Olsza (